Many neurological conditions respond well to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Nerve damage may occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen. While some parts of the brain may be permanently damaged, some areas are only in an idle, shocked state.   Dr. Richard Neubauer (considered by many to be the father of using HBOT for neurological conditions) calls these brain-nerve cells the ‘Recoverable Brain.’ When oxygen concentrations increase to the point above what the blood could normally deliver, the ‘Recoverable Brain’ cells are jump-started back to life!

Many hospitals offer Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Acute Necrotizing Fasciitis, Anoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Carbon Monoxide Intoxication, Decompression Illness, Gas Gangrene, Radiation Illness, Sickle Cell Crisis are among the conditions that hospital HBOT facilities may treat.

Below are some of the conditions that we have treated using HBOT:

As is evident from the above list, HBOT can be helpful in many health problems. Depending on the presenting condition, specific testing may ascertain whether or not HBOT would be a viable option. These tests may include an EEG, a SPECT scan, or both. Following a review of those test results, the doctor will prepare a customized treatment plan.

Results from treatments vary from individual to individual. Some may see dramatic results; others may see less miraculous improvements yet still gain benefit. Many CP patients treated with HBOT regain their ability to swallow, and therefore no longer need to use a feeding tube. Others may once again recognize family members or restore their ability to communicate, a blessing for many.

Still, some cases that do not respond to HBOT. It is, therefore, imperative to establish the possibility of recovery using one of the diagnostic tools described. It is essential to understand that HBOT only helps reawaken or ‘jump-start’ the damaged brain. Once awakened, the brain must be retrained to function optimally. Therefore, many adjunctive therapies, such as EEG Neurofeedback, physical therapy, and speech therapy, are necessary. Some may only notice improvements once the brain gets this retraining. Significant strides in the progress of adjunctive therapies can occur after HBOT.  

Call our office at 203-371-8258.

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